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These rollers work well in removing air from fiberglass/epoxy laminates during the layup process.
Strong, small diameter rollers with deep grooves and thin fins providing excellent air release. Superior performance for mold making, detail work on large and small parts, and releasing air when larger rollers and brushes won't. Detail rollers have the same qualities as the Standard line except they have a strong 5/32" frame. Available in aluminum and plastic. Cleans easily in a solvent, they are acetone safe. Accepts extension handles.
Small rollers for kits, on-site projects, small parts, mold-making, and all kinds of detail work. Econo rollers are excellent for those hard to reach places larger rollers often miss. A strong thin finned roller with a 5/32" steel frame and durable handle. Cleans very easily in a solvent.
With the thinnest fins in the business for excellent air release! These rollers have crossed cut fins for extra air release and reduced over spray. Purchase the complete Roller head with Frame and Handle, or just the replacement heads separately. All heads are aluminum
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Useful tool that takes the guessing out of the exact amount of catalyst to use.
Size 35cc

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3 - 18 Mils Solid, anodized aluminum for long life. 3 sizes available for a variety of FRP production applications